Category: Personal life
GUADEC 2016, laptops and tablets made to run GNOME, surprise Pitivi meeting
I went there for the 2016 edition of GUADEC: I arrived a couple of days early to attend my last GNOME Foundation board meeting, in one of the KIT’s libraries. The building’s uncanny brutalist architecture only added to the nostalgia of a two years adventure coming to an end: Then… A wild Kat strong-armed me…
"SmartEco" or "Extreme Eco" projector lamp power saving modes are a trap
Here are some findings I’ve been meaning to post for a while. A bit over a year ago, I fulfilled a decade-long dream of owning a good projector for movies, instead of some silly monitor with a diagonal measured in “inches”. My lifestyle very rarely allows me to watch movies (or series*), so when I…
Nostalgia for the sunlight
One of my best remedies against gloominess is sunlight. I have a fairly luminous apartment in theory: a big window, lightly-colored floors and white walls. Therefore, when strong direct sunlight hits the floor, the difference is striking: the whole place glows up. The tricky part, however, is making the most of the sun’s presence. In…
Inking an old friend
When I was young, I read a lot of comic books. One of my favorite séries was Cubitus: Over fifteen years ago, Michel Grant, a local comic book artist passionate about teaching, made a quick sketch of Cubitus & Sénéchal for me, on a big sheet of paper. I liked it enough to have it…
GUADEC 2015, surviving a fire and plane accident, etc.
So I went to GUADEC, as a community member and one of the directors of the GNOME Foundation. Thanks to the Foundation for covering my travel and accomodation—it makes all the difference! It was a really good GUADEC. The local team put a huge amount of efforts into making it possible. There is a public page…
2014 in review
I haven’t blogged much in recent months, so this will be a pretty short and boring post, it’s meant as a pulse check anyway. All in all, 2014 has been a pretty intense year: Re-started my company Got various branding, design, marketing and research contracts. Also, management consulting assignments. Had to solve a multi-month stalemate…
An update from the Pitivi 2014 summer battlefront
Hello gentle readers! You may have been wondering what has been going on since the 0.93 release and the Pitivi fundraising campaign. There are a few reasons why we’ve been quiet on the blogging side this summer: Mathieu and Thibault have been working hard to bring us towards “1.0 quality”, improving and stabilizing various parts…
MyPaint + Wacom screen tablet + GNOME3 = ♥
A little-known fact about me is that I can draw better than your average cat. It is a hobby of mine that became dormant with my pretty challenging professional and Free Software activities in the past few years. Drawing is hard, let’s go hacking One of the things that previously threw me off from drawing…
Se libérer de Bell et Vidéotron: passez Go et réclamez 1000$ par année
Ceci est un guide, basé sur mon expérience, pour vous libérer de l’hégémonie de fournisseurs tels que Bell et Vidéotron tout en augmentant votre connaissance de la technologie. Notons que ce guide est hautement contextuel à la quasi absence de compétition que l’on retrouve au Québec. Les Français, eux, ont Free (entre autres). Petite parenthèse…
Le problème fondamental de notre système électoral
Permettez-moi de résumer le problème fondamental de notre système électoral (le scrutin uninominal majoritaire à 1 tour) avec un simple diagramme que j’ai créé à partir des résultats de l’élection québécoise de 2014: La barre du haut correspond à ce pour quoi le peuple a voté. La barre du bas représente comment ces votes sont transformés…