Author: Jeff
Marché du travail
J’ai terminé mes études en décembre dernier. J’ai décroché un emploi comme testeur chez Collabora il y a environ une semaine. C’est une nouvelle étape qui commence, on verra où ça me mènera 🙂 Note: ça n’a rien à voir avec PiTiVi, auquel je continue de contribuer par loisir.
Triomphe face à la tyrannie du 9 volts
Mon multimètre ne fonctionnait plus. Après investigation, il se trouve que le coupable était le même que dans toutes les situations où on a à faire avec des batteries 9 volts: cette saloperie de connecteur cheap hyper fragile. Je déteste jeter du matériel inutilement (rien ne me dit qu’un nouveau multimètre n’aurait pas exactement le…
Aventuras en Málaga y Ronda
Last week was a blast. Spending a couple of days working on Pitivi fulltime and meeting with the awesome GStreamer folks again was a thrilling experience. Not only that, but it happened in the beautiful city of Málaga. Coming from Montréal, I’m still a bit shocked at the sight of people wearing coats, scarves and tuques…
Restoring from backups
I’m currently in Málaga for the GStreamer hackfest. Hopefully, many bugs will perish. In the meantime, here’s a quick status update of stuff I’ve been doing in recent times in Pitivi. Cleanup the code for gtk actions so that the code is more readable and robust, fixing 629208 in the process. Cleanup the menus (again). Avoid…
Spring clean-up in January
Now that we’ve gotten rid of a ton of code in Pitivi (thanks to the port to GES), Thibault has been doing an incredible job at cleaning and reorganizing the remaining source files in a way that finally makes sense. I’m very happy about this: it means that it will not only make it easier for…
Investigating Liferea's startup performance
Last week, Lars Lindner provided us with an early christmas gift when he announced that a new stable release of our beloved feed reader was now available. First, I would like to applaud him for his continued efforts over the years in maintaining this handy and high quality application. Many users like me have been…
Alive and kicking
I would first like to welcome Antigoni, who has been accepted as part of GWOP 2011 to work on PiTiVi. In the coming months, she will be helping Thibault fix bugs in our port to GES and, when we have a reasonably stable base to work with, implement the much awaited titling feature! She wrote an…
Naming schemes
A question has been bugging me for some time: what’s the reasoning behind the dconf hierarchy/naming scheme as can be seen in dconf-editor? org.gnome.*, org.gtk.*, ca.desrt.*, org.freedesktop.* … okay, I get that those are meant to look like reversed URLs, that part makes sense… but not as much when you have desktop.gnome.*, desktop.gstreamer.*, apps.*, a11y.*…
Fedora pour un habitué d'Ubuntu, prise deux
NDLR: article mis à jour en juillet 2015 et en janvier 2020 pour noter certains problèmes comme étant choses du passé. Vous vous souviendrez peut-être de la première tentative un peu infructueuse, suivie de mon désenchantement envers Ubuntu/Canonical m’ayant amené à sérieusement réévaluer Fedora 15 comme plateforme de choix pour être à la pointe des…
GNOME Women: work on Pitivi!
Do you love Python (or C)? Interested in video editing? Then you should definitely consider working on PiTiVi as part of the GNOME Outreach Programme for Women! Feel free to email me or Thibault about it, or catch us on IRC (some details about the program and how to get in touch with us are…