Author: Jeff
Snowy hackfest and Boston Summit 2010
Fellow hackers and designers, I will be in Boston from November 4th to 8th. I have been summoned there to participate, as a designer/tester/usability freak, in the glorious rise of a better user interface for Snowy, the open-source online synchronization and collaborative editing project for Tomboy. Thanks to sponsorship from the GNOME Foundation, I will…
Canon S95
J’ai décidé de m’offrir un cadeau longuement attendu et d’acheter un S95 (ironiquement, après que Eugenia ait rhâlé qu’il offrait moins de fonctionnalités vidéo que d’autres appareils Canon). C’est une mise à jour justifiable par rapport à ma Konica Minolta DiMage Z5 achetée il y a cinq ans. J’ai passé des semaines à faire des…
Video editors usage statistics: duty calls
WARNING: POLLS AND STATISTIC CAN BE BENT TO SAY ANYTHING I can’t resist biting OpenShot’s bait. Jonathan, with all due respect, I think you haven’t paid enough attention in statistics class (or you paid too much attention and you are trolling). Reasons your conclusions may be wrong: In Ubuntu, PiTiVi is installed by default. Which means…
Introducing: Recipe Manager
Three years ago, Daniel Taylor (of Arista fame) made a small application designed to store and manage your favourite recipes. It was simple, lightweight, elegant. He called it Recipe Manager (got a better, unique name, anyone?) and released a “technology preview” along with the file format spec onto this website. I was pretty excited and…
Nautilus, EOG, Maverick
Ça fait plaisir de constater que Nautilus 2.32 va enfin être moins con avec les conflits lors de transferts de fichiers: …et que Eye of GNOME détecte enfin les changements aux fichiers (probablement à l’aide de inotify): À part ça, Le nouveau thème d’Ubuntu made-in-Cimi est assez sexy et balancé pour que je considère sérieusement…
Surprises dans les conduits d'aération
Il y avait une étrange odeur émanant de la trappe d’aération (du système central) dans ma chambre. J’en ai eu marre et ce matin j’ai utilisé l’aspirateur central pour nettoyer. À la manière d’une sonde intravasculaire, j’y ai envoyé le boyau et aspiré dans tous les sens. Telle ne fut pas ma surprise de trouver,…
PiTiVi 0.13.5 released
PiTiVi 0.13.5 has been (almost silently) released to the masses. While it doesn’t bring a ton of flashing new features, this release was deemed necessary to address some of the bigger 0.13.4 issues before the final Ubuntu Maverick development freeze. Among other things, it fixes still images (ex: PNG, JPEG, etc.). If you still encounter…
Free my memory
My fellow Antistress argued that I should be going back from Chromium to Firefox today. I replied, “Only when it starts up in less than 3 seconds and frees my goddamn memory when closing tabs”. He then replied with the following statement: firefox a la meilleure gestion de la mémoire tous navigateurs confondus (cf tests unanimes sur…
Windows Media and PiTiVi
WMV files did not import and seek properly in PiTiVi… until now. Edward has committed a fix in the GStreamer “ugly” plugins today and, as such, PiTiVi directly benefits from this. Not that anyone uses this dead/crappy format anyway, but it’s always nice to be able to back up the “anything in, anything out” claim 😉…
Planets in orbit
In case there actually are people subscribed to the PiTiVi planet (i.e. who know that it actually exists!), the new URL is (until further notice… maybe one day it will become, but I’m le tired). This should make it more reliable than my self-hosted server on a residential DSL connection, and the URL…