Tag: releases

  • Specto 0.4 released

    I’ve been holding off a Specto release for way too long. See my previous post on the matter for some insights into why Specto 0.4 was released after Duke Nukem Forever. This development hell streak ends today. If there are still people out there using this piece of software, go grab the new tarball. Distro…

  • PiTiVi pre-release

    Since Thibault has not been re-added to Planet GNOME yet and we’re in a bit of a hurry (deadline is Tuesday), let me “retweet” a slightly edited version of his announcement: The whole PiTiVi team is pleased to announce a pre-release of the PiTiVi video editor. This pre-release contains the past 7 months of work,…

  • PiTiVi 0.13.5 released

    PiTiVi 0.13.5 has been (almost silently) released to the masses. While it doesn’t bring a ton of flashing new features, this release was deemed necessary to address some of the bigger 0.13.4 issues before the final Ubuntu Maverick development freeze. Among other things, it fixes still images (ex: PNG, JPEG, etc.). If you still encounter…

  • 0.3.1: a small bug fixing release

    I just released Specto 0.3.1, not long after 0.3 (in terms of commits), after having addressed some bugs myself. The changes are minor and I don’t expect regressions, so it should be pretty safe to upgrade from 0.3. Maybe I can start a habit of actually releasing stuff more often, if we don’t again plunge…

  • Specto 0.3 release candidate 1

    Since hell is freezing over today, I’ve been nailed to my chair to prepare a new Specto release, at last. Uploaded packages, checked release notes, and reworked the website. Now, 0.3 RC1 is available for the masses, go test it! If no significant problems are found, this will become Specto 0.3 final. Special thanks to…

  • Releases, releases, releases

    Pas besoin de vous dire que Ubuntu 8.04 est sorti, dix millions de bloggeurs et sites de nouvelles sur le web s’en sont chargé (ha ha, attendez de voir sortir la deuxième vague, les “reviews” de Ubuntu 8.04 maintenant). Les partageurs de torrents Ubuntu (moi inclus) sont toujours aussi impressionnants (un peu plus à chaque…

  • TagTheora 0.2

    Merci à Thomas Petazzoni pour avoir embelli le code de mon modeste TagTheora et m’avoir envoyé un patch. Le logiciel libre, ça tue 🙂

  • Specto 0.2.2 released

    This release sports the basic set of features that you can expect from Specto’s goals. We consider this release an ALPHA release. That means Specto works very well for us and we are providing this to you in the hope that it will be useful to you, but we are not guaranteeing that it it…

  • Specto 0.2 released

    This release sports the basic set of features that you can expect from Specto’s goals. We consider this release an ALPHA release. That means Specto works very well for us and we are providing this to you in the hope that it will be useful to you, but we are not guaranteeing that it it…

  • Specto 0.1 released

    This release sports the basic set of features that you can expect from Specto’s goals. We consider this release an ALPHA release. That means Specto works very well for us and we are providing this to you in the hope that it will be useful to you, but we are not guaranteeing that it it…