Category: Pitivi
The new PiTiVi website is up
7 months later, the new, shiny PiTiVi website is now online. I have put redirects in place to handle the transition of the wiki to gracefully and redirect users to the website’s front page, if they were pointed to the old wiki front page URL. Edward changed the DNSes and vhosts, and everything should…
Move playhead on click, modeless splitting, full-height playhead
This week, Brandon has been doing great work in polishing little bits of PiTiVi’s timeline workflow. Indeed, he has made a second attempt at implementing my “move playhead on click” paradigm, and merged his changes into PiTiVi’s master development branch. A side effect of this is that we now have “modeless splitting” (ie: splitting is…
GStreamer tutorials for PiTiVi contributors
Brandon started publishing some of his PyGST tutorials/notes today. If you have been looking for some documentation to get you started on understanding/contributing to PiTiVi, this should probably be of interest to you 🙂
PiTiVi on Windows
A little while back, Andoni Morales (author of Longomatch) had managed to run PiTiVi on Windows “just for the sake of testing gstreamer python bindings”. His efforts have resumed and been posted to a new bug report as a serie of patches, and here is how it looks like: This is also part of his…
Themed canvas widget in PiTiVi
Brandon’s polish changes to the canvas widget (the area on which you place clips on the timeline) have been merged today. This means that it now integrates nicely with your GTK+ theme, be it Clearlooks: …or DarkRoom:
Themed ruler widget in PiTiVi
Edward released PiTiVi 0.13.3 today. Brandon recently spent some time working on the timeline’s ruler, and his changes are part of that release. So now, it looks like this: What’s the difference, you say? It looks slightly better visually; The timecodes are displayed/managed in a smarter way; The “ticks” are now on the bottom of the…
Volume curves that render
Up until today, volume curves in PiTiVi were not correctly taken into account when rendering. This has now been fixed. I will be able to do my sound mixing natively for my future screencasts 🙂
Video mixing
Is that transparent clips I see below? Yes sirs, that’s the beginning of video mixing being implemented. At the time I’m writing this, this feature is not yet available in PiTiVi’s master branch, only in Bilboed’s repository, in the “videomixing” branch. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see new features shaping up, and I thought some of…
Smaller tabs and source list
Last week, in quest for space-efficiency after tackling this bug, Alessandro removed some padding in the tab above the source list, as well as padding around the source list and previewer. Before: After:
Toolbar items prioritization
As I requested, PiTiVi now has some of its toolbar buttons prioritized. This enhances usability by giving more importance and discoverability to more commonly used buttons. It now looks like this: Thanks, Brandon!