The new PiTiVi website is up1 min read

7 months later, the new, shiny PiTiVi website is now online. I have put redirects in place to handle the transition of the wiki to gracefully and redirect users to the website’s front page, if they were pointed to the old wiki front page URL.
Edward changed the DNSes and vhosts, and everything should be operational when the new IP addresses propagate throughout the Internet and when your ISP updates its DNS cache.


2 responses to “The new PiTiVi website is up1 min read

  1. excellent
    Now real work on PiTiVi itself ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Nice website!
    Pitivi is now listed on the site. This will proberly give you guys a lot of traffic. And a lot of windows users, so I hope Andoni will have a new(and improved) build ready soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰