Move playhead on click, modeless splitting, full-height playhead1 min read

This week, Brandon has been doing great work in polishing little bits of PiTiVi’s timeline workflow. Indeed, he has made a second attempt at implementing my “move playhead on click” paradigm, and merged his changes into PiTiVi’s master development branch.
A side effect of this is that we now have “modeless splitting” (ie: splitting is now an action, not a modal “razor” tool). It is faster, more accurate, and simply rocks. I can now say that I can do basic editing just as fast as I used to back in the “old days”.
Hmm. This means I will now have to explain this properly in the user manual (and to make video tutorials).
Today, he also implemented a nice new feature to go with that: a vertical line now spans the entire timeline height, making it easier to keep track of the playhead’s position, and also visually reinforcing the “move playhead on click” workflow. You can also “grab” this black line with your mouse to scrub. Notice the nice, soft white border around the black playhead line for better contrast.
black playhead


2 responses to “Move playhead on click, modeless splitting, full-height playhead1 min read

  1. What about PPA for Karmic ?

  2. The gstreamer dependencies are up to date in the PPA, but the pitivi package itself will probably be updated only when another release comes out, it seems… or when it stabilizes a bit more maybe.