Category: Pitivi

  • Video editors usage statistics: duty calls

    WARNING: POLLS AND STATISTIC CAN BE BENT TO SAY ANYTHING I can’t resist biting OpenShot’s bait. Jonathan, with all due respect, I think you haven’t paid enough attention in statistics class (or you paid too much attention and you are trolling). Reasons your conclusions may be wrong: In Ubuntu, PiTiVi is installed by default. Which means…

  • PiTiVi 0.13.5 released

    PiTiVi 0.13.5 has been (almost silently) released to the masses. While it doesn’t bring a ton of flashing new features, this release was deemed necessary to address some of the bigger 0.13.4 issues before the final Ubuntu Maverick development freeze. Among other things, it fixes still images (ex: PNG, JPEG, etc.). If you still encounter…

  • Windows Media and PiTiVi

    WMV files did not import and seek properly in PiTiVi… until now. Edward has committed a fix in the GStreamer “ugly” plugins today and, as such, PiTiVi directly benefits from this. Not that anyone uses this dead/crappy format anyway, but it’s always nice to be able to back up the “anything in, anything out” claim 😉…

  • Planets in orbit

    In case there actually are people subscribed to the PiTiVi planet (i.e. who know that it actually exists!), the new URL is (until further notice… maybe one day it will become, but I’m le tired). This should make it more reliable than my self-hosted server on a residential DSL connection, and the URL…

  • Previewer in the file chooser

    Well hello there. I haven’t blogged much about PiTiVi lately, since I hadn’t kept up with the project’s happenings for a month or so. My PiTiVi bug mail folder was getting out of hand, so did some triaging today and discovered some gems. Namely, “Pier Carteri” has been hard at work, tackling two of the items on…

  • Hello, PiTiVi happenings, Sintel

    Hello Planet GNOME (thanks Lucas for adding me)! You may know me from the Specto or PiTiVi projects, or as your worst bugzilla nightmare: That’s it for my introduction, if you really care about who I am besides a bug infantryman, you can take a look at my home page (make sure your browser is…

  • Summer of Code is here!

    Are you a student looking for a fantastic experience in improving a great open source video editor project? This year again, GStreamer has been accepted as a mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code, and oversees project applications to make PiTiVi kick ass. Student applications are now open, and the application deadline is April…

  • Icon view in the Source List

    Stephen “lostcookie” Griffiths recently started coding on PiTiVi, learning the codebase as he works through the PiTiVi Love list. He has done awesome work on the source list to implement an “icon view” mode and has managed to somehow not become insane while I pointed out all his mistakes and bugs 🙂 The icon view…

  • More bug triaging

    I have requested additional super cow powers on GNOME bugzilla to be able to do some serious bug triaging in PiTiVi’s bug list. I have Touched approximately 70 bugs or more today (out of ~230 initially), spending approximately 5.5 hours doing bug triaging and hunting (according to hamster) Confirmed many unconfirmed bugs Updated target milestones…

  • Single channel waveforms

    Brandon committed a one-liner fix for bug 607614 today. Indeed, until now, if you inserted a 6-channels (5.1) clip into the timeline, you ended up with nonsense like this (as some called it, “corduroy waveforms”): This has been solved, and it now looks like this: