Previewer in the file chooser1 min read

Well hello there. I haven’t blogged much about PiTiVi lately, since I hadn’t kept up with the project’s happenings for a month or so. My PiTiVi bug mail folder was getting out of hand, so did some triaging today and discovered some gems. Namely, “Pier Carteri” has been hard at work, tackling two of the items on the PiTiVi Love list: a feature to revert to the saved version and a previewer in the file chooser, which looks roughly like this:

“Sup dawg, I heard you like videos, so we put a previewer in your file chooser so you can preview while you choose your files so you don’t have to preview them in the previewer after having chosen them.”

Now, be aware that those changes are not yet official: they are in Pier’s own git repository and have not been thoroughly reviewed and merged in the master branch. There are probably bugs and rough edges left. This is where you, gentle reader in quest of adventure, come in and test the hell out of it. Play with it. Break it. Unleash the fury of the bleeding edge tester.
Some other notable bugfixes in pitivi git lately:

  • Rendering WebM/VP8 now works properly (bug #621576)
  • Aspect ratio was not preserved when rendering, resulting in letterboxing (bug #615569)


5 responses to “Previewer in the file chooser1 min read

  1. farm sluts? 😉 you should choose your folder more carefully next time 😉

  2. @steff: I actually was aware of that and left it in the screenshot on purpose, for comical effect. It’s not pr0n (really), it’s a parody. See (yes, this link is safe for work, as well as the video if you happen to find it)

  3. Wouldn’t users of other programs enjoy the same preview functionality? So why not make this improvement for a commonly used GNOME open file requester that apps can inherit?

  4. Because it’s already trivial to implement, I think.