Category: Accomplishments
M60 2012
I went to see one of the screenings of the Montréal 60 seconds film festival Friday night, it was really entertaining (there’s a final screening tonight if you missed the first two). As expected, there were some dubious movies, lots of good/okay ones and a couple of wonderful gems. It was nice to see my…
Following up on Seif’s blog post, I would like to provide you with an update on our efforts to recover the missing duck. We’ve been in a very delicate situation lately. It turns out that a group of hacktivists kidnapped Duckie! They sent us this picture: As you can imagine, until now we refrained from…
GUADEC talk video published
No no no, I said video, Not videos. Seems like even though I spent hours editing and rendering a single recording, I’ve still beat the GUADEC organizers when it comes to “time to publish” 😉 My “neko edit” also has good sound quality (from a dedicated USB microphone) and high resolution versions of the slides…
La photo d'identité démocratisée grâce à Wilber
Dans le cadre d’un formulaire de routine, j’ai dû fournir une photo d’identité «style passeport». Or, j’en ai marre de me faire arnaquer, de payer cher pour une photo qui sera inévitablement moche. Les photos prises «par un professionnel» n’ont rien de professionnelles lorsque Passeport Canada accepte les photos prises par les préposés de pharmacies!…
Surviving Git
Git can feel extremely unnatural to those who came from Bazaar. Only after a lot of advice from friends, the right tools and a few months of intensive usage did I feel confident enough to use it without fear. Many are probably in the same boat as me though, so I took a couple of…
Prévisualisation en temps réel du redimensionnement de séquences dans Pitivi
Ceci est une traduction d’un billet que j’ai publié avant-hier sur Planet GNOME. Je ne sais pas trop comment traduire « trimming », alors je me base sur le terme « redimensionnement » de la version française du manuel de PiTiVi (même si l’usage du mot sonne étrange). La question du « financement de logiciels libres complexes n’ayant pas de modèle…
Triomphe face à la tyrannie du 9 volts
Mon multimètre ne fonctionnait plus. Après investigation, il se trouve que le coupable était le même que dans toutes les situations où on a à faire avec des batteries 9 volts: cette saloperie de connecteur cheap hyper fragile. Je déteste jeter du matériel inutilement (rien ne me dit qu’un nouveau multimètre n’aurait pas exactement le…
Aventuras en Málaga y Ronda
Last week was a blast. Spending a couple of days working on Pitivi fulltime and meeting with the awesome GStreamer folks again was a thrilling experience. Not only that, but it happened in the beautiful city of Málaga. Coming from Montréal, I’m still a bit shocked at the sight of people wearing coats, scarves and tuques…
Restoring from backups
I’m currently in Málaga for the GStreamer hackfest. Hopefully, many bugs will perish. In the meantime, here’s a quick status update of stuff I’ve been doing in recent times in Pitivi. Cleanup the code for gtk actions so that the code is more readable and robust, fixing 629208 in the process. Cleanup the menus (again). Avoid…
Spring clean-up in January
Now that we’ve gotten rid of a ton of code in Pitivi (thanks to the port to GES), Thibault has been doing an incredible job at cleaning and reorganizing the remaining source files in a way that finally makes sense. I’m very happy about this: it means that it will not only make it easier for…