Améliorer les performances de GTG
Pour les fans de la technique GTD de David Allen, Getting Things GNOME! est une révélation, un logiciel qui rend «sans douleur» l’ajout et la gestion de tâches. Je considère les fonctionnalités suivantes comme étant celles qui démarquent GTG des autres applications: La capacité d’utiliser un langage naturel, tel que “defer:20100224” ou “due:vendredi” (et on peut…
À la défense de Mono
Je suis jusqu’à présent resté spectateur de la Guerre Sainte contre Mono et d’autres technologies «libres mais potentiellement asujetties aux brevets logiciels»: [Illustration de Maëva Pierre] Cependant, à la manière de Kant face à Hume, les billets de plus en plus radicaux de mon aimé comparse Antistress m’ont sorti de ma torpeur ce matin pour…
More bug triaging
I have requested additional super cow powers on GNOME bugzilla to be able to do some serious bug triaging in PiTiVi’s bug list. I have Touched approximately 70 bugs or more today (out of ~230 initially), spending approximately 5.5 hours doing bug triaging and hunting (according to hamster) Confirmed many unconfirmed bugs Updated target milestones…
SFLPhone: modern VoIP client for the Linux desktop
I was keeping an eye once in a while on the promising SFLPhone project, developped by the Savoir-faire Linux folks. A slightly outdated screenshot I took (back in June, when I first wrote the draft for this blog post), since I’m too lazy to take new ones: I’m using Callcentric as an SIP provider and…
Alimentation sans interruption
J’ai reçu un cadeau de noël inattendu: un uninterruptible power supply APC de 780 watts. Ça veut dire que je vais pouvoir brancher Kirika et tout l’équipement réseau dessus, et ne pas m’inquiéter de (rares) pannes de courant, de mon père qui se trompe de disjoncteur, ou de surtensions et autres problèmes électriques. Le bidule…
On Software Patents
While I admire RMS‘ stance and resolve, the whole “Mono can’t be trusted because there’s submarine patents” argument isn’t worth crap. If you view software patents as a legitimate entity, any software is at risk (including OGG Theora, the Linux kernel and its alleged “235 infringements” by Microsoft, the Samba project, OpenOffice.org, mplayer, and probably…
The new PiTiVi website is up
7 months later, the new, shiny PiTiVi website is now online. I have put redirects in place to handle the transition of the wiki to wiki.pitivi.org gracefully and redirect users to the website’s front page, if they were pointed to the old wiki front page URL. Edward changed the DNSes and vhosts, and everything should…
Quelques agréables nouveautés de GNOME 2.28 et Ubuntu 9.10
Y’a un dossier de captures d’écran qui me supplie d’être publié depuis des semaines, alors voici un petit tour rapide d’améliorations «visibles» dans la nouvelle release d’Ubuntu. Le «comment installer Ubuntu 9.10 en version LPIA en souffrant atrocement» sera pour un autre billet (j’hésite à le faire en français ou en anglais). Ici, je me…
Themed canvas widget in PiTiVi
Brandon’s polish changes to the canvas widget (the area on which you place clips on the timeline) have been merged today. This means that it now integrates nicely with your GTK+ theme, be it Clearlooks: …or DarkRoom:
Themed ruler widget in PiTiVi
Edward released PiTiVi 0.13.3 today. Brandon recently spent some time working on the timeline’s ruler, and his changes are part of that release. So now, it looks like this: What’s the difference, you say? It looks slightly better visually; The timecodes are displayed/managed in a smarter way; The “ticks” are now on the bottom of the…