Post LGM 2011
This is a late flashback of what happened last month when I attended Libre Graphics Meeting. Yes, that was weeks ago (procrastination, work and pitivi ate all my time) so I’ll keep this short. Hung around with great, passionate people. Had a couple of them “couch surf” at my place. Great conversations ensued. The LGM…
Pourquoi je quitte Ubuntu pour Fedora
La dernière fois que j’ai été utilisateur de Fedora à plein temps, c’était il y a plus de sept ans. Ubuntu fit son apparition en 2004, s’imposant rapidement comme distribution phare par sa promesse de gratuité (détruisant par le fait même le modèle d’affaires des distributions «commerciales» pour individus) et son centrage autour de GNOME.…
GNOME 3.0's RAM usage
…is surprisingly low. Unlike what some people would make you believe, GNOME Shell & friends don’t eat 883 MB of RAM. As you can see below, baseline memory usage is under 120 MB… And you know what? That’s less than the amount of memory that GNOME 2.30 uses on startup on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (127…
Cool video editor seeks ingenious students: PiTiVi and the Summer of Code
The 2011 edition of Google’s Summer of Code is here! As per previous years, PiTiVi may participate under the umbrella of GNOME and GStreamer (which are both mentoring organizations for this year’s SoC projects). If you are a student who loves video editing and multimedia in general, you have the tremendous opportunity to shape the…
On GtkSwitch
GTK3 includes the new switch button. Sadly, at the time of this writing, there seems to be no HIG recommendation for it yet so I’m left to guess what its proper use should or shouldn’t be. I’m all for choice/flexibility for developers, but what has been worrying me slightly in the new Control Center is the…
SFLphone translators and package maintainers needed
I’d like to take a minute to tell you about one of the apps I’ve been passionately using. It is probably one of the lesser-known, fly-under-the-radar stealth ninja killer apps that just deserves some serious kudos and some publicity on Planet GNOME. SFLphone is an open source SIP and IAX2 (Asterisk) VoIP softphone. Except that this…
Community involvement
Although PiTiVi is a FLOSS project developed entirely in the open (that is, everything is public/transparent), I have been told that it still feels intimidating for potential new contributors. Believe it or not, I spend a lot of time thinking about that and smoothing out that process. Sometimes I still find myself a bit surprised…
Ajustement de la luminosité de l'écran en fonction de l'heure sous GNOME
Je n’utilise pas Redshift (ou f.lux) parce que je tiens un minimum à la fidélité de mes couleurs et parce que je ne suis pas convaincu que nous ne sommes pas face à un énorme effet placebo (ou une conspiration du gouvernement). Néanmoins, le soir, pour geeker dans une lumière tamisée, j’aime bien que le…
Fedora 14 pour un habitué d'Ubuntu
Comme je commence à être en désaccord avec la tournure que prend Ubuntu et que j’ai acheté un nouveau portable de seconde main (Thinkpad T43p!), je me suis dit que je jetterais un coup d’oeil à Fedora 14. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas réussi à briser la dépendance à Ubuntu. Voici mes trouvailles. D’abord les points…
Snowy hackfest & Boston Summit
I had a great time at the Snowy hackfest (and the Boston Summit). Thanks to the subsidy from the GNOME Foundation, I’ve been able to meet tons of brilliant people and help free/open source software while meeting the constraints of my student schedule—and budget! In order to get you all pumped up and excited before…