Tag: lifehacks
Year MMXXI in 8 minutes
Near the end of 2020, I put a lot of thought into reevaluating my business’ value proposition, strategy, and processes. It’s a good thing I did that back then, because 2021 was quite different from 2020; I had much less time to “deepthink”, and I spent a majority of 2021 on an intense work treadmill,…
Year MMXX summarized in 7 minutes
For some reason, I didn’t get to see much people, and didn’t have much client work revenue throughout that year. I’m not sure why 🤔 TwentyTwenty was filled with unexpected events, discoveries, and opportunities to think about a lot of things. As nobody needs to read another editorial about the pandemic, I will attempt to…
Year MMXIX summarized in 5 minutes
As part of my seven-years retrospective, here’s a 5-6 minutes readable summary of what I did in 2019. Personal life summary Q4 2018’s intense professional stress was replaced by emotional exhaustion in 2019’s Q1 and Q2. Caring for folks who have residual schizophrenia comorbid with depression and high-functioning autism, really is a lot of work…
CHANS battery rebuild: giving traditional laptops a new life with refactored batteries cells
Back in 2018, when I acquired my legendary ThinkPad X220, I discovered that there is a lady in Ontario, Ms. Chulkova, who does professional battery rebuilding as a side-gig: if you’re in Canada (or the USA, to an extent) you can get your laptop (and other power tools) battery cells replaced by new high-quality cells.…
Year MMXV summarized in 2 ½ minutes
I’m doing a quick retrospective on the last seven years (you’ll see why later). In this first part, here’s a short overview of what I did in 2015 (2 to 3 minutes reading time): In the spring of 2015, I wrote a blog post reporting on my first term (2014-2015) as the president of the…
The goldsmith and the chaos warrior: a typology of workers
As I’ve spent a number of years working for various organizations, big and small, with different types of collaborators and staffers, I’ve devised a simple typology of workers that can help explain the various levels of success, self-organization, productivity and stress of those workers, depending on whether there is a fit between their work type…
A secret to productivity for busy individuals with chaotic contexts
Over the years, some people have asked me how I manage so many projects—short and long—without forgetting anything, without breaking promises and commitments, all while looking like a zen buddha. A few observers also remarked (often in mockery) that I tend to take a note of everything, that I document an outrageous amount of seemingly…
Painting two old friends—Tintin vs Sephiroth
A little over a year ago, I wrote about my humble restoration of an old drawing of Cubitus and Sénéchal, which was a straightforward operation. Shortly after, I began working on another piece of artwork to decorate one of my walls, this time my own bespoke painting, made 100% with free software. I did not want…
Pour en finir avec la congestion nasale: comment effectuer le rinçage nasal correctement
Ce billet pourrait aussi s’intituler « Comment en finir avec les allergies et court-circuiter le rhume, la grippe ou la sinusite », car selon mon expérience la congestion nasale est un symptôme qui empire tout le reste au point de prolonger la maladie. Quand on élimine la congestion nasale et la sinusite, on récupère beaucoup plus rapidement…
Nostalgia for the sunlight
One of my best remedies against gloominess is sunlight. I have a fairly luminous apartment in theory: a big window, lightly-colored floors and white walls. Therefore, when strong direct sunlight hits the floor, the difference is striking: the whole place glows up. The tricky part, however, is making the most of the sun’s presence. In…