WINE supporte les thèmes de Windows XP et c'est écrit nulle part?3 min read

Je viens de faire trois découvertes choc en l’espace de dix minutes:

  • après une mise à jour de Compiz, mes fenêtres deviennent transparentes lorsque hors focus. Très joli! Ça va impressionner la prochaine créature aux cheveux longs qui passera dans ma chambre (bon… ça risque d’être ma mère… dans deux mois… alors arrêtez de rire)
  • WINE a un outil de configuration graphique O_O winecfg
  • WINE supporte les thèmes msstyles. Je peux donc avoir un look windows XP!

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<nekohayo> AlaricX: did you have to do anything special to have luna.msstyles work? wish I could see your bug
<AlaricX> nekohayo, i got it to show up in the list by putting the entire copied resources folder INTO ~/.wine/drive_c/windows
<nekohayo> oh I see
<nekohayo> lemme try
<AlaricX> nekohayo, I too had the problem with “Install theme…” not working 😉
<nekohayo> … o_o
<nekohayo> it works
<nekohayo> *in shock*
<AlaricX> it works?!
<nekohayo> and.. I must be lucky because the apply button works with me too
<nekohayo> did you try blowing up your configuration?
<nekohayo> I’m on a fresh install here so I can do pretty much anything
<AlaricX> This is a new configuration i tried since my old config was from the days of ~/.wine/config 😉
<AlaricX> Which version of WINE?
<nekohayo> 0.9.9
<AlaricX> Arg ><
<nekohayo> the one in the ubuntu dapper drake repositories
<nekohayo> I’m glad I was on the channel at that moment.. you made my day 🙂
<AlaricX> ah. I’m using compiled-from-source. Shouldn’t matter though
<AlaricX> But yeah, i was typing “Thanks ^_^ Glad something worked ;P”
<AlaricX> AWESOME! It works — thanks, nekohayo, for the speculation about the fresh config
<nekohayo> 🙂
<nekohayo> glad we could help each other hah
<AlaricX> Definitely 😀
<AlaricX> … The problem was the use of a native windows uxtheme.dll, i just figured out 😀
<AlaricX> nekohayo, I was trying to use a native uxtheme.dll from windows XP, which was causing trouble with the theme itself. I suppose native uxtheme works well enough 🙂



One response to “WINE supporte les thèmes de Windows XP et c'est écrit nulle part?”

  1. FF7Sephiroth Avatar

    Excellent !

    "Ça va impressionner la prochaine créature aux cheveux longs qui passera dans ma chambre (bon… ça risque d’être ma mère… dans deux mois… alors arrêtez de rire)"
    Hahahahahahaha bon *arrête de rire*