Detachable previewer1 min read

I know, I know, it’s the third time I’m posting in three days, but a surprise feature was just merged out of the blue and I’m quite excited about it: you can now undock the previewer widget in PiTiVi (even while it is playing). It allows you to do something like this:

Obligatory demonstration video here.


3 responses to “Detachable previewer1 min read

  1. Pieter Avatar

    Nice feature! Obligatory question but too lazy to log into the Tubes: what is the name of the song ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. The song is “Pulse”, from the “Macross Plus” soundtrack.

  3. Wow that’s powerful
    More post about PiTiVi please ๐Ÿ™‚