Specto, Now With 10% Less Bugs*1 min read

*assuming that we only had 20 bugs 😛
I spent this afternoon hacking away at Specto SVN, and I managed to fix a few bugs and implement features I wanted for a long time. I rewrote the tray icon module from scratch in order to help murder libegg and it now uses PyGTK 2.10’s StatusIcon. Furthermore, Specto now displays a balloon when something goes wrong with a watch (at least now you can’t say we didn’t warn you).
Also, I proudly present you libnotify balloons that stick to the status icon (and this is not even a hack)! Bleeding edge users rejoice!
Bugs fixed: 8, 16. Also, Wout Clymans fixed a few other annoyances today: 22, 3. Furthermore, Chris is working on getting Specto’s code cleaned up, implementing network-manager support, and hopefully an asynchronous GUI? 😉