Windows Media and PiTiVi1 min read

WMV files did not import and seek properly in PiTiVi… until now. Edward has committed a fix in the GStreamer “ugly” plugins today and, as such, PiTiVi directly benefits from this. Not that anyone uses this dead/crappy format anyway, but it’s always nice to be able to back up the “anything in, anything out” claim 😉
Obligatory screenshot with everything git:

P.s.: no, that MGS2 trailer is not really an ASX file, but rather Windows Media with an incorrect file extension. It’s just among the little torture tests I throw at PiTiVi and GStreamer sometimes to make sure they’re bulletproof.
In other news:

  • There is an insane amount of activity in #pitivi these days. It’s a thrilling time to be involved in the project!
  • Thibault Saunier’s “implement effects and make them rock” branch is gradually improving. I’m quite excited about this (even though I rarely use effects myself).
  • Some rather important bugs are being addressed, including bugs with still images (png, jpeg, etc.) and those pesky “not linked” gnonlin errors.
  • I might try to make a small demo of Thibault’s effects branch at the Ubuntu Global Jam in Montreal this saturday, if there’s an interest for it.


2 responses to “Windows Media and PiTiVi”

  1. Some rather important bugs are being addressed, including bugs with still images
    Cool. This one makes me use ugly workarounds right now 🙂

  2. Any progress with the builds for Windows?