Pitivi 0.92 and the wandering opensourcerer3 min read

The past few weeks have been pretty crazy.
At the last minute, I ended up going to the GStreamer Conference in Edinburgh, thanks to the GStreamer project sponsoring my attendance. As always, it was a fantastic event and it was great to meet up with old friends and see great topics being discussed. I was pretty impressed by the amount of attendees too. I’m feeling guilty for having missed good talks while being dragged into hallway discussions or being hammered by jetlag, but our pals at Ubicast recorded everything so I should be able to catch up later. My good friend Luis summarized the event much better than I could, so I won’t go into detail here. Except that Thibault won a bottle of whiskey and was unable to claim it, so I picked it up and brought it back for him (I don’t hack on GStreamer itself, so I don’t need the whiskey):
After gstcon, I embarked on a pretty hectic journey throughout Europe, with the goal of prospecting sustainable development opportunities and to eventually crash at Mathieu Duponchelle’s home in order to spend time on Pitivi together.
shadow of the colossus horse ride
Since I’m someone who tends to plan and optimize everything, hopping from city to city in a semi-improvised way over the past two weeks has been somewhat stressful. Especially the part where I found out the hard way that some capitals have their public transportation system to the airport shut down at night, or the part where I had to sleep on the floor in the entrance of the airport that was also closed at night even though you have flights departing before sunrise. That was fun. It is also a significant amount of transportation costs piling up (even though I’m an expert at minimizing them), so if you’d like to help offset some of the costs resulting from our current Pitivi activities, please feel free to tip a few bucks 😉
Managing and maintaining an established open-source project does not just mean coding: there is a lot of administrativia and planning involved, which has been consuming my free time lately. After discussions with Karen and Jim at the GNOME Montréal Summit, the post-GSoC stuff to deal with, the big research project I’ve been tackling and the research around the infrastructure needed for it, all on top of paperwork needing to be done at home during my absence, there was pretty much no time left for me to look at code. I somehow still managed to squeeze in a few commits to fix some blockers and a few trivial things, but that means that larger projects (even something as “simple” as reviewing a new set of icons) had to be renegotiated in my TODO list.
While staying with Mathieu in the past few days, we made some good progress on a big project coming up for Pitivi (more on that later) and released 0.92 to provide some fixes and polish over the earth-shattering 0.91. As you can see, this release comes just one month after the biggest release in years, so we are indeed aiming to get back onto a “release early, release often” cycle now. We hope you like it.



One response to “Pitivi 0.92 and the wandering opensourcerer”

  1. Pete Lambert Avatar
    Pete Lambert

    You’re doing excellent work guys, I really appreciate it 🙂
    Thank you and all the best for the future!